The Osho dynamic meditation method

Apart from the numerous tantra books written by Osho that are available over the internet or at several bookstores, there are other things for which Osho has been known to be one of the most original thinkers of the 21st century.

Of course, no great man is free of controversy, and with his apparent lack of respect for structure, government, religious leaders and the hypocrisies of society, his methods came under a lot of criticism by several people in power, and it was not until his death that people began to see the sex guru’s teachings in a new light.

For one, the Osho dynamic meditation method has been a prominent part of his teachings that were in the form of discourses and that primarily uses Western psychotherapy as a means by which one can prepare for this form of meditation.

There are five stages in this form of meditation which employs music at every stage (except the fourth stage) for which one can obtain samples of Osho meditation music to help them with each stage that lasts for at least ten to fifteen minutes each.

There’s no doubt that the effect that he has had on the hearts and minds of people will continue for a long time regardless of whether he is alive or not since his death in 1990.

Osho Meditation

Are you interested in learning about Osho sannyas? Some of the forms of wisdom passed down by this renowned mystic? Osho meditation is just one aspect of the teachings available from this popular Indian spiritualist of the last century. Osho told his followers that meditation was far more than just a practice for which you can find step-by-step instructions in tantra books. Rather, the goal of meditation is to imbue the follower with a heightened state of awareness that they will be able to maintain in every movement in their lives.

Osho dynamic meditation is based on the concept that the average person goes through life in something of a sleep state, with stimuli in the world creating an almost mechanical response. Because we have been conditioned by our expectations of the world and our belief in the way things are supposed to be, we end up sleeping through our lives rather than living them with full awareness of ourselves and what’s around us.

When developing his specialized form of meditation, Osho actually took a page from a surprising source: Western psychotherapy. He stated that in order to reach this level of awareness, it was essential that you get to know what emotional and mental hang-ups you are dealing with. This step can be far more helpful to achieving this state than Osho meditation music is.

Osho’s active meditations differ radically from what most people think of when they hear the word “meditation.”. As some of the other meditations Osho designed, his Dynamic Meditation consists of the silence of typical meditation alternating with periods of physical activity. This is only one of the more than one hundred forms of meditation that Osho suggested to his followers, but it is easily the most well-known.

Some have called this type of meditation a microcosm of Osho’s philosophy on life. The meditation includes five stages, four of which include music and all of which are supposed to be performed blindfolded or with closed eyes. The stages last for ten minutes and have set routines aside from the second, where “whatever happens happens” is a catharsis.

Charity – Giving is a Great Stress Buster

At the end of a harsh work week, most people like to unwind capriciously, only to find that their stress levels haven’t gone down. After all, people begin to look for better things once they have already experienced what’s good. Unfortunately, this tendency only leads to greater dissatisfaction in life. The best way to really relieve your self from stress is to give to others. Charitable acts are directed towards making people’s lives better.

Instead of looking into yourself, you look at others and how you are able to contribute to their well-being. At the end of the day, you find an inner peace that no amount of luxurious goods can replace. Below are some ideas to help you bust stress while giving to others. Join a youth support group. Communication is a vital tool to reaching out to teenagers who lose their way. Participating in molding future leaders of the community is a great way to channel your parenting instincts productively. Why it’s a good stress reliever? You can go back to days when you were younger and relive your youth, and ultimately understand what these troubled boys and girls are going through. Participate in walkathons or charity walks. Instead of paying a lot of money for gym membership or a personal fitness instructor, join charity walks or runs. All you need is a good pair of walking shoes, a good heart. Walkathons work like this: for every person who signs up, a sponsor gets to donate money on behalf of the walker. So you get to sweat out all your negative energies and help with donations. Help out at a local nursing home.

Many residents are often neglected by their families and often yearn for someone to talk to. You can be this person that residents look forward to seeing on a regular basis, just for a friendly chit-chat or brunch. The idea of someone expecting you and wanting to hear from you is enough to warm your heart and make you feel good about yourself.

    Donating a car to charity

    If one is donating a car to charity, one does not have to look very far to find a suitable charitable organization that will help them give back in a way that will not cut into their monthly paycheck, and perhaps give until it hurts.

    There are several causes that one can choose when donating cars to charity. While some charities do this to raise funds for breast cancer, some take the money obtained from this auction to support children around the world who do not have the basic amenities that is so important for their lives.

    And it doesn’t matter whether you want to donate car Minnesota or from anywhere else in the United States as these charities have set up a helpline so that one can call for assistance in getting to move the vehicle in whatever condition it is in.

    It’s as simple as calling one of these numbers and informing them that you have a vehicle that you would like to donate to charity, and give them a time and place for them to come pick it up along with the title deed of the car as well.

    And that’s really all you need to do!

    So what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone or send your selected charity an email so that they can schedule a pickup at your convenience.

    Are Business and Philanthropy A Good Match?

    Truth be told, not all business owners look at money as their ultimate goal. Many have the honest intention of giving mankind a chance to live better. So how exactly do marketing goals and charitable desires go together? Enter a term called strategic philanthropy, which basically suggests combining community enhancement and involvement with business and marketing plans. Simply put, it is involving one’s business in a charitable cause. This is to say that as you give charities and build community welfare, you are also allowing your business to gain recognition and exposure as well as become more productive, profitable and competitive in the market, thereby increasing revenues in no time.

    A great way to get started on strategic philanthropy is to devise a system wherein a non-profit community welfare group such as a church, school or any organization will give out your coupons whenever people purchase your product. The group is given a percentage of the sales for their cause. What’s in it for you? You get instant marketing with no work at all from your end. You can also put up a fundraiser in your business location for a group or a charity you would like to support. People will be compelled to buy your products when they are in your store, and you will be recognized for your humane efforts. If you have a large facility or store, you can offer to have reception for groups who are putting together major events.

    You are automatically contributing to their cause (which of course, must be something you also support), and in turn, the charitable group gets a percentage of sales, gift certificates, or discounts on their purchases.