Spread the Word about Your Charity with a Newsletter

The best way to spread the message about your non-profit organization is to put out a newsletter. However, do not rush and end up putting out a really bad one.

Keep in mind that when you send out a newsletter, it will represent your organization. So it needs to look great and have no mistakes at all. It can be an inexpensive newsletter that contains material printed on either side or a pricey, glossy six pager. It all depends on your budget. It would help to speak to a known printer and work out a deal in exchange for free publicity. With regards to writing, look around your office, there might be someone who writes really well and will be able to help out.

What do you put in your newsletter?

Pictures should make up a larger percentage of your newsletter. Not only will they make the newsletter look great, it is also a great way of showing donors how their money was spent, encouraging them to invest in your organization more. Ensure that you get great pictures at all charity events hosted by you.

Use your newsletter as a vehicle to convey your organization’s core activities and values. If your newsletter is well presented, it will be great for bringing in new donors and even securing the ones you have.

“This Month…”

You can use your newsletter to publicize upcoming events. Even a section that mimics the regular classifieds is a great way to get things started. You can use it to advertise what you need from the public (old clothes, phones, etc.) or even to target donations you cannot use.

Donate Your Old Phones for Charity and the Environment

Most people have one or more mobile phones they are not using and you are probably just like one of them. These phones might be of no use to you, but, do not throw it away. Instead, consider donating it. Not only will you be helping the environment by recycling, but this could also mean helping out a charity. There are quite a few retailers, such as Staples that accept old phone donations. Direct donations are also possible via certain charity programs.

It is absolutely important that before you donate your old phone, that, you erase every single bit of private information saved on it. You also need to ensure that your service has been disconnected.

An example of a charity phone donation program is the American Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Services Fund which racked up a grand total of $400,000 through Nextel’s ‘Donate a phone’ program. Every phone recycled through this program is equal to a $1.50 cash contribution towards the American Red Cross. Though the individual donations might seem a bit small, the cumulative figure is quite substantial.

If you already have a Sprint Nextel account, then you too can take part in the ‘Donate a phone’ program. The donation you can make by contributing a phone to a cause depends on how much you paid for the phone and the period of usage. Once you donate your old phone, Sprint Nextel sends you a tax certificate to validate your contribution. Another phone donation program by Sprint is the ‘Sprint Nextel’s Buyback’ program which involves recycling old phones.

Silent Auction Ideas

If your charity event for the year is a silent auction, here are a few things you need to know. Firstly, start off with involving some items that are generally used at all silent auctions and have proven to be show winners. There are a few businesses that are constant donators of items for such charity events, and are used to the procedures involved. This means that they already understand the idea behind the silent auction and the cause towards charity and will be more than willing to help you out. Try to get creative with the items up for auction, but the basic items will create the best possible foundation for your charity event.

Basic silent auction items:

Hotel stays – first you should try your luck with a few local hotels and try to market their offerings as a romantic escape, a getaway close to home, etc. You might be able to even find people in your charity who work in the local hotel industry, and they might be able to set you up with a good deal.

Restaurant vouchers – approach restaurants in your area, and ask them to donate a few ‘dinners for two’. These are top sellers at silent auctions and have proven to be quite popular. If looking for more creative offers, try to set up a good deal with a local bakery or even gourmet groceries or supermarkets.

Retail donations – any store that sells basic items can be asked to donate anything and everything. Try the local gift store, boutique, clothing store, grocery, etc. Give them the option of even donating a gift certificate.
Services – ask your local hair dresser, yoga studio, dance instructor or anyone else to donate an hour or two of their services towards your charity.

What You Need to Know About Car Donations

Perhaps you are buying a new car and cannot figure out how to get rid of your old one. Here is an idea. Why not donate it to charity? It is a very generous move, and could help out a fair amount of people. Donating your car is a big move and can involve a lot of questions. Here are the most common questions answered:

What kind of car can I donate?
You can donate anything from trucks, cars, boats, motorcycles to anything. Every charity will have its own set of rules, so it would do well to find out what kind of vehicles they accept.

Can I still donate my car if it failed the emission test?
Yes, you still can. Any donation is appreciated. If it did fail the emission test, then once donated, the car can be repaired. Most organizations will come forward to bear the cost of the repairs.

What kind of documentation is needed to make a donation of my vehicle?
You need to ensure that your vehicle has a clear title. If this cannot be found, then any other official DMC paperwork is accepted. All you need to be able to prove is that you are the legal owner of the car.

Am I required to drop the vehicle off to my chosen charity?
This depends on the charity you choose to donate your vehicle to. Each charity has its own procedures with regards to the method of picking up the donated vehicle. Most organizations will volunteer to tow your vehicle. It is at this time that you are expected to hand over all related documents and the keys to the vehicle.

Tips for Selecting the Best Charity Auctioneer

Auctions held for charity might be new to you, or perhaps you are unfamiliar with its mechanics. Here are a few valuable tips to ensure that the auction committee selection process takes place in a manner in which you are comfortable with:

1. Find some auctioneers – if you are starting from the very beginning, a good place to start would be the National Auctioneers Association website. Here you can find auctioneers, especially those with ‘BAS’ credentials and other related training and qualifications.

2. Compare and research auctioneers – today’s business environment is a competitive one, so it would augur well for you to have done a considerable amount of research before you finally choose your auctioneers. Scrutinize their websites, other auction companies and experts in order to make the best choice among them before you make a decision.

3. Informal interviews – make a standard set of questions and call up a few of the shortlisted auctioneers. Here are a few questions you might like to ask them:
a. Availability on date of auction
b. Number of auctions conducted annually
c. Number of auctions handled similar to your event
d. Method of work process with clients
e. Video of a previously conducted auction
f. Client referrals
g. Price structure and service offering

4. Speak to the clients you are referred to by the auctioneer. Talk to them and query as to what issues they encountered with the said auctioneer, what they liked about his style and method.

5. Final interview. If you like what you hear, then you should call the auctioneer in for a final interview. If satisfied with the outcome, ask them to present you with a proposal for your event.